Best Trigger Finger Treatment Options
Trigger fingers are a challenging condition, so, naturally, patients and medical professionals will attempt many different options to remedy the skin and tendon problem. Sometimes all you need is a few simple home remedies, but trigger fingers can necessitate surgery to feel better. With all of the different options available, it can be challenging to determine which treatment is right for your specific case - but we want to help! We will cover what each option entails to determine which therapy may best suit your needs as you continue down the road toward recovery.
Home Remedies
At first, the recommended treatment for trigger finger is usually a combination of several self-care treatments. These home remedies reduce the symptoms and discomfort triggered by this disorder and allow you to perform most everyday activities. The suggested home remedies include:
Exercise can help you have more robust and more flexible hands, which is essential because an injury could prevent you from playing the piano or even doing specific tasks at home that require hand strength, such as opening ketchup bottles. The best thing to do if you're suffering from any ailment is to check in with your doctor so they can provide you with the correct diagnosis and then suggest exercises that will help speed up recovery times. Once a health professional has confirmed your condition, follow their advice by keeping a record of how long and how often you perform each exercise routine over three weeks to know whether or not your situation is improving.
Heat therapy
Heat is a natural product that increases blood flow to an area and helps soothe aching muscles and joints. There are many forms this type of pain relief can take - from hot packs to warm baths, from moist heated towels to herbal heating pads - all of which can be used for different reasons or in conjunction with one another! While these forms of heat therapy alleviate pain, certain types should be avoided by those suffering from nerve damage or sensation loss in their fingers or hands, as heat therapy may cause further harm when applied in such cases.
Cold therapy
Cold therapy sack numbs pain, reduces swelling, and so much more! When exposed to freezing temperatures, your blood vessels tighten, reducing blood flow to the area that reduces swelling and interrupts the painful sensations. Apply cold therapy with an ice bath or a cold pack.
Trigger finger is caused by over-exercising your hands and fingers. It's essential to take proper care of your hands. Otherwise, you can quickly get it if you're not careful! It's also worth remembering that as soon as you start feeling pain, you should rest your hand for a few days until the pain goes away and then continue with vigorous movement. And in some more severe cases, surgery can be done, but we hope this won't be necessary for you!
Nonsurgical Treatment
Patients want to know that conservative treatment to avoid surgery is available when faced with a new diagnosis, such as a trigger finger. Here we will discuss the different trigger finger therapies and still avoid surgery.
The trigger finger massage is a great way to soothe soreness, release the feel-good chemical serotonin, and reduce tension. By massaging your hands, you will also help with finger mobility. When you perform this massage on yourself, it can help relieve the trigger finger, or if used on others, it can help them relax. You should avoid using this trigger finger massage if your hand or fingers are currently swelling and red because receiving a massage would likely cause more pain and discomfort for the patient.
Wearing a splint helps keep your finger in a straight position, which prevents the formation of a crooked finger. Though splints are typically worn at night, they are worn during the day if someone needs to do activities that stress their fingers and make them bend too much. Being able to wear a splint during the daytime is suitable for people that need to be active throughout the whole day.
Medical Procedures
Suppose you haven't gotten relief from home remedies or nonsurgical treatment options, and your trigger finger is becoming more invasive in your everyday life. In that case, it might be time to look at a medical procedure to perform on your trigger finger. Some surgical methods are reserved for only severe cases of people who have a lot of trouble with their fingers curling up toward their palms. Still, other methods are available for even moderate cases of trigger finger as well. Look over some of these treatment options to see if you'll find one that will benefit you!
Steroid Injection
A trigger finger is a condition that puts pressure on the tendons in and around the fingers. For example, say your middle finger gets stuck in a bent position. The symptoms may include pain, swelling, and stiffness. The best corticosteroid injection treatment option is to inject a steroid directly into the tendon sheath of your finger at rest positions, especially during the night. It will help relieve specific symptoms of trigger fingers. Steroids reduce inflammation and allow your fingers to move freely again without pain. If you aren't getting relief after one corticosteroid injection or reinjection, or if symptoms recur with activity within a short time, seek another specialist for further evaluation.
In a Trigger finger release, the physician attempts to gain entry into the channel to release the tendon or shorten it by cutting. Rather than pushing on the A1 pulley, this is done during a Trigger finger release surgery, which involves making an incision to access the tunnel containing the trigger finger tendons. Recovery from this procedure involves wearing a splint and resting, with at least one week of recovery time before beginning any strenuous activities.
Safe and Effective Trigger Finger Treatment
If you've suffered from one of your fingers twitching uncontrollably, you're not alone! A condition known as trigger finger, which causes your finger to lock up in the extended position, is quite common. Fortunately, several treatment options are available that can go a long way toward helping you manage this ailment so that it doesn't impact your ability to enjoy your day-to-day life. The good news is that this condition is relatively easy to treat at home for most people who suffer from trigger fingers. However, surgery may be an appropriate next step for some individuals - usually those who suffer frequent and severe bouts of trigger fingers. Make sure that you consult with your doctor before attempting any manual therapy or surgical procedure on yourself - failure to do so could result in serious injury.
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