9 Ways to Get Rid of Bruises
Bruises are common injuries that occur when blood vessels beneath the skin break, leading to visible discoloration and sometimes discomfort. Typically harmless, bruises usually resolve on their own within a few weeks without the need for medical intervention. Although they are often a minor issue, understanding the causes and self-care measures can help manage the discomfort and accelerate healing.
At some point in our lives, we have all experienced bruising due to a bump or fall. Although bruises are common, they can be aesthetically displeasing and uncomfortable to the touch. To support our patients and alert users, we have prepared this guide to help you get rid of bruises.
What Causes a Bruise?
A bruise is formed when the small blood vessels beneath the skin rupture, resulting in a leakage of blood into the skin tissues. It is also known as a hematoma, characterized by a discoloration of the skin at the site of the bruise. The bruise will slowly fade as the body breaks down and reabsorbs the blood.
Generally, bruises are caused by a sudden impact, such as a fall or a collision with a hard surface. However, the risk of developing bruises can be heightened by advanced age, certain vitamin deficiencies, and some medications.
Bruises result from trauma or skin injury that causes blood vessels to burst. However minor they may seem, you can take steps to lessen this pain and reduce visibility. Bruises usually go away on their own.
To get rid of bruises, you need to take steps to improve the healing process.
9 Natural ways to treat bruises
1. Compression
If you have a bruise, use an elastic bandage to help keep the area from leaking and swelling more quickly. It will also prevent blood vessels from bursting, leading to complications down your line!
2. Heat therapy
Applying heat is the best way to help your body relieve the blood trapped after a bruise forms. In addition, applying heat can provide circulation, increase blood flow, and clear away any tense muscles present, so you also feel less pain in those areas!
Sacksythyme's Hot therapy relief Heating pad is the best option for pain relief - or hot water bottles are also used; make sure you do everything right!
SACKSY THYME Hot Therapy relief Heating Pad to relief Bruises Pain:
Soaking yourself while sitting in a tub filled halfway with scalding-hot water might also relieve soreness; however, this could potentially cause third-degree burns, so keep an eye out for signs beforehand, like feeling tingly all along lightly touched areas on the skin.
How to use it:
According to Mariano, staying away from the heat at the start is recommended. Instead, opt for cold therapy treatments to lessen inflammation.
However, after 48 hours, you can apply a heating pad to the affected area for 10-15 minutes. Marino suggests that it should be warm but not to the point that it's uncomfortable on your skin. Repeat this many times throughout your day.
3. Cold therapy
Cold therapy is one of the most common methods for reducing inflammation and bruising. One can use a Cold sack, a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in cloth, or even a plastic bag with water."
SACKSY THYME Cold Therapy Pack for reducing Inflammation:
According to Angelo Marino, DO, vascular and interventional radiologist at Yale Medicine, bruising occurs when the blood vessels are damaged, causing the blood to leak into the surrounding soft tissues, resulting in a blotchy, purple appearance.
Cold therapy packs are the most common way to treat bruises; they're also one of my favorites. Use a cold sack from Sacksy thyme or cloth to stay cool on top and hard underneath, which also feels good against your skin!
As Marino states, applying a Cold therapy pack or any other frozen substance to an area of injury reduces inflammation and swelling in the region. Additionally, it restricts the small blood vessels in the nearby tissues, thus limiting the amount of blood that seeps out.
How to use it:
The cooling of this robust network can help limit bruising, swelling, and pain!
It is recommended to Apply a cold sack immediately after the injury to reduce blood flow around that area. Marino recommends applying a cold therapy pack or something else, like the frozen peas in a bag, on the area right after the injury and repeatedly throughout the initial 24 to 48 hours following.
The area can be iced for 15 minutes. Then, take a break for 15 to 20 minutes before applying the ice. Marino suggests doing this multiple times throughout the day. Finally, wrap the cold pack with a towel or cloth to shield your skin from the cold temperatures.
4. Arnica
Arnica is a homeopathic herb that can reduce inflammation and swelling, thus making it an ideal treatment for bruising. A 2010 study found that topical arnica ointment effectively reduced laser-induced bruises when applied as directed on more than one occasion per day over seven days in duration. Depending upon your needs, you may also use gel or lotion form of this herb instead. However, follow instructions carefully because the improper application could lead to too much pain if applied incorrectly.
5. Elevation
Elevate the bruised area so that it's above the heart. It helps relieve pain and drain fluid away from your body, allowing you to rest and speed up healing time!
6. Vitamin K cream
Vitamin K is an essential nutrient that helps with blood clotting. It was shown to reduce the severity of bruising after laser treatment in a small 2002 study conducted by Dr. Galuten and Helman at Yale Medical School. They found that patients who applied a cream containing this vitamin experienced less pain than those not using it!
7. Aloe vera
Aloe vera has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to soothe and heal the human body. It can be taken internally or applied topically. Many people opt for it externally because of its ease of use compared to other treatments, such as topical creams that require tedious application methods (such as dabbing).
Aloe vera's beneficial properties lie within its ability to combat pain and inflammation.
8. Comfrey
Comfrey is a plant with many healing properties. It is used to treat skin ailments, inflammation, and bruises alike!
Comfrey cream has been shown in studies as having the power to heal any wound quickly without risking infection or pain.
You can apply the cream to your bruise a few times or even make it into a compress using dried comfrey leaves. Steep the leaves in boiling water for 10 minutes, strain out the liquid, wrap them with a towel, and apply over the bruised area daily!
9. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an anti-inflammatory and can be used to promote wound healing. You may also find gels, creams, or serums that contain vitamin C topical application. A topical gel is the most effective way of getting it into your skin quickly before any damage has been done! Know how much Vitamin C you should consume daily?
The American diet only provides between 15 - 20 milligrams per day. Still, by eating fresh fruits & vegetables (and taking supplements), this number will significantly increase, which means better health for all around us because inflammation plays such key roles in our lives as pain levels during exercise.
How to Prevent Bruises?
Here are some tips on how to prevent bruises:
- Be careful when walking and moving around. Pay attention to your surroundings and avoid tripping hazards.
- Wear shoes that fit properly and provide good support. This will help to prevent falls and injuries.
- Use protective gear when playing sports or participating in activities that could cause injury. This could include helmets, pads, and gloves.
- Maintain a healthy diet that is rich in vitamin C and zinc. These nutrients help to strengthen blood vessels and make them less likely to break.
- Avoid taking blood thinners, such as aspirin or warfarin, if possible. These medications can increase the risk of bruising.
- If you have a medical condition that makes you more likely to bruise, talk to your doctor about ways to reduce your risk.
By following these tips, you can help prevent bruises and keep your skin looking its best.
Bruises take a few weeks to heal, so you must rest your body and watch how they progress. Resting can help speed up the healing process as well! If things don't feel right or there is no improvement after two weeks of applying these bruise home remedies, Please call your doctor immediately. It may mean something more serious, like bone fractures, has occurred, which needs medical attention immediately!!
"This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Always consult your physician to determine a treatment plan for you."