8 Treatments for Hamstring Tendonitis
What is hamstring tendonitis?
Hamstring tendonitis refers to inflammation of the tendons behind your thigh. Tendons connective tissue connect muscles and bones. Hamstring tendons connect your hamstring muscles to the bones of your pelvis, the knee, lower leg, and hip.
The condition develops when you strain or overuse the tendon. As a result, there is a possibility that you will experience pain or feel swelling on the rear part of the thigh. Most people who suffer from Tendonitis of the hamstring heal in a couple of days or weeks by rest and conventional (non-surgical) treatment.
Is hamstring tendonitis the same as a tendon tear?
Is hamstring tendonitis the same as a hamstring strain?
The strain or Tendonitis can affect the tendons. A strain can occur quickly when the tendon fibers are stretched, resulting in tiny tears. Tendonitis can develop slowly due to overuse.
Who gets hamstring tendonitis?
People who are athletes or can run at high speeds (especially running and stopping fast) are the most susceptible to developing hamstring tendonitis. Dancers, sprinters, hurdlers, and those who participate in contact sports like soccer, basketball, or football might develop this kind of injury to the hamstring. Research suggests that those between 16 and 25 are most at risk of suffering from hamstring injuries.
You're also susceptible to Tendonitis of the hamstrings or other injuries if:
- Are you a young athlete still developing?
- Are you over 40?
- I have suffered a prior injury to the hamstring.
- Are your quadriceps inflexible (muscles on the side of your leg)? This can cause more stress on the muscles and tendons at the back of your thigh.
- Have tight or weak hamstring muscles that aren't well-conditioned.
Symptoms and Causes
What causes hamstring tendonitis?
Hamstring tendonitis can result from repeated stress on the tendons in the lower back area of your thigh. As a result, the tendon fibers inflamed and irritated.
What are the symptoms of hamstring tendonitis?
The symptoms of hamstring tendonitis could be:
- Achy buttocks or the back of your thigh, lower, and knee (similar to signs associated with sciatica).
- Stiffness in your leg while walking or bending your knee.
- A sharp pain when you suddenly strain your hamstring muscles or tendons.
- The swelling can be particularly severe in the aftermath of an injury.
- Tingling that flows across your upper back to the leg's back.
- There is a weakness in the rear of your leg.
Treatment of hamstring tendonitis
Hamstring tendonitis is a common injury for runners, and it can occur in two ways. It could result from an acute injury because you pushed yourself too hard during a run, or the inflammation could build up gradually over time due to the frequent strain on the muscle tissue. Some risk factors that increase your chances of getting injured are heavy lifting, aging, and certain physical activities.
To treat this condition effectively, you must take some time off so that the injury has time to heal. Then, following a treatment plan will allow your hamstring injuries to return to all your activities!
1. Rest
One of the most common causes of leg injuries is overexertion. The only way to get your muscles and tendons to a point where they can heal is by not doing the activities that caused you harm in the first place. Recovering from an ailment like Tendonitis or pulling your hamstring will take patience, and this is why it's important to minimize physical activity while letting your body rest. By taking a break now and then (don't worry, we aren't suggesting you stop altogether), you'll allow yourself more time to focus on life outside of work, which in turn will give you more strength as well as endurance when (or if) it comes time for you to get back into the game!
2. Cold Therapy
Cold Therapy is one of the best ways to treat your hamstring injury. You can drop the pain and swelling in your leg with cold Therapy.
SACKSY THYME Cold Therapy Pack for reducing Swelling:
Our Cold Therapy Pack is the ultimate solution for reducing Swelling. This innovative product is designed to provide soothing and effective cold therapy to alleviate pain and swelling. Whether you're dealing with a Hamstring Injury, sports injury, post-surgery recovery, or everyday aches and pains, SACKSY THYME has got you covered.
To get started with this method, put a cold therapy pack of ice on the back of your thigh area for 20 minutes at a time over several days by placing it on different spots around your thigh, such as upper, middle, or lower, and feel a reduction in pain within 48 to 72 hours that will last 3 to 6 weeks without re-injury as long as you keep up with regular exercise preventing future injuries!
The cold causes your blood vessels to constrict, limiting the amount of fluid and slowing down healing time, allowing you to recover sooner rather than later!
In addition to cold Therapy, try using an anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen. Anti-inflammatories also reduce swelling and pain.
3. Heat Therapy
On the other end of cold Therapy is heat therapy. While it works oppositely to cold, heat brings blood flow and nutrients to the area, thus reducing your healing time and loosening tense muscles. Use a Sacksythyme's Micowavable heating pad for twenty to thirty minutes several times throughout the day.
SACKSY THYME Everywhere Microwavable Heating Pad for Hamstring Injury:
This innovative heating pad provides targeted heat therapy for faster healing and pain relief. It's versatile and can be used anywhere on the body, making it ideal for treating hamstring injuries. Simply heat the pad in the microwave and apply for instant soothing warmth.
Make sure that you avoid using heat if you have soreness, fever, or topical bruising (use ice instead) because excessive heat will only add to these symptoms.
4. Alternating Hot & Cold Therapy
Alternating heat and cold can greatly benefit individuals experiencing pain. Applying a hot or cold compress to the affected area reduces nerve and tissue damage, stimulates blood flow in that region, and reduces swelling.
This type of compression therapy is also known as contrast therapy because of the intense differences between hot and cold that balance out your intake of healing substances, which are important buffers against toxic products or over-reactive nutrients.
In addition, by alternating between the two, you can decrease pain while improving skin tone, reducing swelling, and increasing overall circulation.
5. Essential Oil
A lot of people are aware of Tendonitis. However, what might be surprising is that more people suffering from the condition are finding oils for Tendonitis, which are recommended as an element of treatment.
Tendonitis has a variety of names based on reason. Tennis Elbow, Golfer's Elbow, Pitcher's Shoulder, and Jumper's Knee are all possible. These ailments all indicate irritation or inflammation of a tendon. Although Tendonitis can affect any tendon, the shoulder, knees, elbows, and wrists are the most commonly affected.
For a long time, Tendonitis has been treated using rest, Physical Therapy, and pain medication. Surgery, such as a ruptured tendon, might be necessary in extreme cases. Therefore, experimenting with essential oils for Tendonitis sounds natural when you consider that essential oils have been used to treat muscle-related problems for years.
Lavender essential oil:
It is possible not to consider it one of the most important oils for tendon repair; however, it has been used since ancient times to treat headaches. It also contains an insignificant amount of sedative, making it a feasible option to treat Tendonitis. A study from 2015 found that lavender oil contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities. You can also use a Sacksythyme hot therapy relief Lavender Heating pad.
Patients who have had surgery for Tendonitis could use lavender oil to treat the condition by inhaling it straight out of the bottle. Some suggest that it may affect patients as an anti-inflammatory medication such as morphine does.
Peppermint essential oil:
Peppermint oil has antispasmodic qualities that may help reduce arthritis and inflammation. It's also soothing, so that it could help with pains and aches. Since it's made up of menthol, it is cool and refreshing when applied.
6. Compression Support
Compression support with a thigh brace or sleeve can help support your recovering hamstring by providing gentle pressure and blood flow to the region. The higher-than-normal pressure encourages a swelling reduction in your injured muscles and tendons, helping them relax when you're trying to recover. These braces also remind you that you have an injury, so it's best to wear them when exercising your hamstring.
7. Massage Relief
There are multiple treatments for hamstring tendonitis. It can be a rough injury; a tight, uncomfortable sensation will likely accompany your pain. Luckily, several techniques act as instant Relief, such as massage therapy or TENS unit stimulation. Gentle pressure along the hamstring muscles and tendons relaxes tension, encourages blood flow, and loosens muscle knots.
You can perform self-massage with your hands or use massage tools if you have them on hand. If you want some relief but don't have any readily available, try using a TENS unit in combination with massage!
8. Stretching & Exercising
Stretching is an important part of tendonitis treatment. If you're experiencing reduced flexibility, it will be important to remember this when doing the stretches, as some may be inappropriate for you. In addition to stretching, exercise routines can help stretch your muscles and strengthen your body against re-injury. You can do these at home, but it may help if somebody suggests the right exercises or does them during physical Therapy.
How to prevent hamstring tendonitis?
Here are some tips on how to prevent hamstring tendonitis:
- Warm up before the activity. This will help to loosen your muscles and tendons and make them less susceptible to injury.
- Cool down after the activity. This will help to reduce inflammation and soreness.
- Stretch regularly. Stretching your hamstrings regularly can help to improve flexibility and reduce your risk of injury.
- Strengthen your core muscles. Strong core muscles can help to stabilize your pelvis and reduce stress on your hamstrings.
- Wear proper footwear. Shoes that provide good support and shock absorption can help to protect your hamstrings from injury.
- Avoid sudden changes in activity level. Don't try to do too much too soon. Gradually increase your activity level to avoid putting too much strain on your muscles and tendons.
- Listen to your body. If you feel pain, stop the activity and rest. Pushing yourself too hard can lead to injury.
Here are some additional tips for preventing hamstring tendonitis:
- Maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight can put extra strain on your hamstrings.
- Eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet can give your body the nutrients it needs to stay strong and flexible.
- Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of fluids can help to keep your muscles and tendons hydrated and flexible.
- Get enough sleep. When you don't get enough sleep, your body doesn't have time to repair itself. This can lead to inflammation and soreness.
- Manage stress. Stress can worsen hamstring tendonitis symptoms. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as yoga, meditation, or spending time in nature.
These tips can help prevent hamstring tendonitis and keep your hamstrings healthy and strong.
Hamstring Tendonitis Relief
Hamstring tendonitis is a debilitating injury for athletes who rely on their legs for performance. The condition affects the tendons of the hamstring muscles that form a large part of the posterior thigh and help flex, stabilize, and rotate your knee. The injury can severely disrupt running or jumping activities requiring explosive movement.
It usually occurs in sports where rapid changes in direction are necessary, such as soccer, football, rugby, etc. Conservative plans for treatment may include some forms of medication and rest, as well as heat therapy, but in more extreme cases, you'll need to talk to your doctor to help heal your hamstring safely and quickly!